I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that a few folks actually can’t bring themselves to believe that the IAFF Executive Board shakes down MDA for just about $1.4 million dollars each year.
One commenter suggested it must be for banners, bags and buttons.
$1.4M is a lot of money.
I bet IAFF leaders can’t even figure out where to put it all as there is no way the IAFF could possibly justify taking that kind of money.
(To be clear, they shouldn’t take a single nickel.)
It still amazes me that one non-profit (IAFF) would shakedown another non-profit (MDA) because they help them raise money for their cause.
It’s especially tragic that a few IAFF members are ready to defend the practice of skimming nickels meant for sick children.
That takes a very hard heart.
One leader wrote:
“Since virtually all of the fundraising is done by on duty FD personnel using all of the physical assets and infrastructure of their departments, it follows that the taxpayers are in actual fact underwriting these efforts.
They are paying their employees to fundraise rather than doing whatever else they might be doing while on duty.
(Since it is a holiday weekend you can bet there are many who are making OT to do it.)
In many (most?) jurisdictions where this takes place these firefighters are getting a legal ‘pass’ from local anti-panhandling laws and ordinances.
Few if any other organizations are allowed to wade into traffic to collect money from persons in motor vehicles.
In addition, the helmets, hi-viz vests, radios, uniforms, firetrucks, etc. all signify that this fundraising is taking place under color of governmental authority.
Because of all of this, the IAFF’s skim is all the more objectionable.
Many, I for one, have no problem supporting the MDA and/or the efforts of local firefighters, but I’m not interested in supporting Shaitberger and his cronies.
It is a great cause, but it has been corrupted.”
Finding Out Where the Money Goes
The IAFF should publicly disclose all of the details of their financial relationship with MDA.
Publish the IAFF/MDA contract if there is one.
Provide a dollar by dollar accounting of how $1.4M is expended.
Good luck, of course, with any of that.
Another direct and very effective option to find out is for IAFF members to simply text or call their IAFF District Vice-President and ask the same questions of them.
Do not allow the IAFF Executive Board to hide behind Harold Schaitberger.
Don’t have your DVP’s number?
Here they are: