Stunning Loss
The Virginia Professional Fire Fighters met in convention last week and delivered a devastating blow to IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger.
His home state and the association he once led delivered a loud and clear verdict on his leadership, saying no to an endorsement he had personally sought for his re-election bid.
And, it wasn’t even close.
55% to 45%.
John Niemiec, Local 2068 president and Schaitberger lapdog, made the motion to endorse, apparently without either laying any groundwork or even counting votes.
Roll Call Also Fails
With the initial motion failing, Niemiec apparently went all in with a subsequent motion for a roll call vote.
It failed too and it only takes 30% to trigger a roll call meaning Schaitberger’s support was dwindling even then.
With “friends” like John Niemiec does Schaitberger even need enemies?
Shocking? Not So Much
The VPFF is simply expressing what everyone now knows: Harold Schaitberger is noxious, narcissistic, and corrupt.
He has repeatedly pillaged the IAFF for his own personal gain.
He has paid out our dues money to his cronies.
He has made a mockery of basic union principles by ruthlessly turning on IAFF brothers and sisters.
He has weakened our union by using the tactics of a dictator to spy on members and to crush all dissent.
He’s had help, mostly in the form of a criminally corrupt board that has been bought off with an absurd pay raise and other unwarranted, phony perquisites.
Virginia has known him much better and longer than you and perhaps it’s only fitting they should be the first to publicly shout a loud “NO” to a fraud, a cheat, and a liar, even when he runs unopposed.
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