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IAFF: More Dirty Laundry


Old Dog, Old Tricks

Dave Anders, of North Carolina, writes, in part:

“I think some of your readers will understand that you are not doing IAFF members any favors by hanging their dirty laundry in full view to be forwarded to the public.”

“I am the President of a large Democratic Men’s Club in my county with a mailing list of about 400. I am getting emails forwarded to me from NC political people with your blog attached.”

“Sure the IAFF is damaged mostly because you are largely responsible for most of the damage. Your goal is to do all you can to take President Schaitberger down even if you have to bring down the IAFF to do it.”

“I am 100% in favor of locals and States endorsing whomever they choose but I have told you this before and here it is again; “IAFF problems should be kept in House and brought to Convention.”

“As the saying goes; “You can put lipstick on a pig and tie a pink ribbon on it but it is still a pig.”

The Plantation Massah Argument

Dave Anders is a labor leader straight out of the 1970’s complete with his North Carolina “Democratic Men’s Club.”

WTF, over?

Let’s hope the sheets stay in the closet.

For Dave, the corrupt IAFF is the union version of the southern plantation master who has eight mulatto slaves running around who just happen to look exactly like him.

(Think Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings.)

In Dave’s world if we don’t say anything no one will notice and it will all go away.


Hanging The Dirty Laundry

Importantly, Anders admits the laundry is dirty.

He’s OK with that, corruption really, what he objects to is the airing of it.

According to Dave I should love a president who has ruined our union by subverting the very principles we are built upon.

Sorry, Dave, not happening.

Last year Dave used the same phony arguments when facts about Schaitberger’s corruption began to spill out; that it is just me and my dislike of Schaitberger.

He was wrong then and he is wrong now and here’s why.

In the intervening months Schaitberger has attempted to destroy two of the most honest and ethical leaders in the IAFF: first Pete Gorman and then Ricky Walsh, simply because they tried to stop corruption at the IAFF.

Schaitberger has failed in both attempts as their reputations stand untarnished.

Dave’s argument that it’s all about how “Eric hates Harold” is proven false by the facts.

“Take It To Convention”

Dave is apparently among the true believers who actually think the IAFF is still a democratic institution.

Schaitberger has gained near total control, now beginning to slip, by buying off the equally corrupt board members and threatening other leaders whenever the mood strikes him.

There has been no democracy at the IAFF and the notion that the convention is a viable platform for truth and honesty is a lie pure and simple.

Social Media

There’s that phrase again.

The debate about the future of the IAFF is happening on social media for the simplest of reasons: it is democratic and totally outside the control of Harold Schaitberger.

For the first time rank and file IAFF members and local leaders can learn about the damage done to our union by the corrupt leadership.

The information, which began as a trickle, is now a torrent, coming from impeccable sources.

It is now the only place to find honest and real communication where the IAFF is concerned.

“Lipstick on a Pig”


Anders totally misses the irony when he employs that phrase.

Schaitberger is the “pig”, and quite a porker he is after gorging at the IAFF trough all these years.

Attempting to destroy Walsh and Gorman will turn out to be a tipping point as it both conclusively reduces and clarifies the issue to one of good versus evil.

Anyone who knows Schaitberger and either of the other two instantly sees the vast and yawning difference.

I know who I would trust.

Like and Share This Post to Stop the Schaitberger Corruption.

Take Our Union Back. 

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