Over, But Not Really
It’s O-Fish-All, IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger crushed opposition, both in committee and on the convention floor, designed to stop his administration from skimming money meant for sick children.
Schaitberger’s “great union” rhetoric notwithstanding, the IAFF has sunk to its lowest point ever.
Schaitberger’s IAFF takes a nickel of every dollar collected by members and uses it to further fund his over-the-top high life.
He steals from the IAFF and the IAFF steals from sick kids.
Who would have thought we would ever reach this point?
What Would a District Attorney Think?
IAFF/MDA funds are, to a huge degree, collected by on-duty employees using public assets at taxpayer expense.
Because of the publication of the formerly secret details of the IAFF/MDA agreement and the manner in which the IAFF tries to hide the unethical windfall, it’s no longer possible to claim ignorance about what is going on.
The use of public assets, including on-duty staff, amounts to malfeasance and activity that is massively unethical if not illegal.
Everyone from the firefighter holding out the boot to the fire chief approving the use of staff and resources to elected officials are now complicit in the chain of corruption.
Harold Schaitberger, easily the most corrupt person to ever lead the IAFF, has enlisted a vast army to assist him in his dishonest efforts.
Care About Kids? Then Take Your Boot Elsewhere.
Schaitberger took the noble IAFF/MDA program and turned it into a slush fund.
If you really care about sick children you can change that.
You’ll stop a thief, help to reforge an ethical IAFF and obey the law at the same time.
It’s very simple.
Work with your elected officials and fire chief to collect for a children’s charity in your community and give 100% of the money to kids in need.
Make sure the charity you choose has a small administrative expense and that they can prove they are fulfilling their mission wisely and honestly.
Don’t let Schaitberger’s iron fist of corruption be the final say when the lives of children are at stake.
Like and Share to STOP the Schaitberger Corruption.