FBI Director Richard Comey fired a shipboard cruise missile yesterday.
Mrs. Clinton, whom I strongly support, says Comey’s decision to launch is “deeply troubling.”
There is a lot of that (deeply troubling) to go around, especially where Mrs. Huma Abedin and her train wreck spouse are concerned.
If Mrs. Clinton was going to make Mrs. Abedin a key part of her campaign, a bit of due diligence was surely in order.
It would take about .5 nanoseconds to discern that Anthony Weiner was a loose cannon on the Clinton ship of state.
Still, Mrs. Clinton retained Mrs. Abedin even as Weiner became a stunning embarrassment and a serious liability.
Now, that’s a “troubling” decision.
I wish there was an email between Clinton and Podesta lamenting the absurdity of Anthony Weiner and the need to distance the campaign from his behavior.
Comey’s decision is troublesome chiefly because his letter fails to be substantive in any way.
To return to the ship analogy, it’s a lone flare spotted in the night with no evidence of actual distress.
Was Comey operating on the theory of when in doubt disclose?
Perhaps he senses that the voters will give the letter the merit it deserves.
Mrs. Clinton wants to be judged on her whole career, not just one or two mistakes.
If so, she must also judge Comey on the same terms.
She must recall Comey’s effort to subvert action which he believed violated the Constitution at the peril of his career when he worked for W.
Comey may not be right here but there can be little doubt he is trying to do the right thing.
“Doing the right thing”, such a rare occurrence.