Stephanie writes:
Serious question Eric, what year did you retire? I’m asking because I think that the men and women have done an amazing- truly amazing job of protecting the memory and reputation of Miss Mittendorf. If my memory serves me correctly you retired before this occurred. Had you been on the job, or spent time around certain individuals, or had more of an understanding of how social media trolls work- I think you would have a more well rounded view.
But you don’t. Plain and simple. I’m honestly sick and tired of reading over regurgitated and tired opinions about my department and what men or females not in this department think. Sure their are a couple of disgruntled dinosaurs who have a poor opinion of this department. I think had women raised their voices against some of their nasty behaviors years ago- they’d find themselves on the different end of a law suit.
In short, chill. Quit it. Find a new subject. The more this subject is brought up, the harder it is for the men and women of Fairfax to bite their tongues and protect the memory of the deceased. We’ve frankly been shit on, but we’ve done the right thing and kept our mouth shut. So kindly sir take your retired sales on to the next subject and let the folks still on the job continue to build the department we serve. Not tear it down.
Dear Stephanie:
Thank you for taking the time to write.
Denying the details of Nicole’s death and the craven sexual harassment which continues to predominate, as a way of honoring her, is an ethical disaster and an odd choice.
I am struck, as well, by your choice of words when you say “my department”, former Chief Bowers used to use the same language. Neither of you own it, you never did and you never will. You are custodians tasked with preserving excellence, humanity and fairness; custodianship requires hewing to ethical principles. Unfortunately, many of you are abject failures where it counts the most because silence equals acceptance and consent.
By the way, I can assure you that I know “how social media trolls work.”
If, as you seem to say, I am a “disgruntled dinosaur”, I am also a custodian as you are, and I am a member of our beloved union, as well; I care about both deeply and I’m not going anywhere.
About the post generally, I have found after nearly a decade of writing that people, with very few exceptions, only “like” or share items they agree with or find worthy. In less than 48 hours, the post has been shared over a thousand times — people find it useful even if you don’t.
You say, “We’ve done the right thing and kept our mouth shut.”
I can assure you that in affairs such as these, keeping your mouth shut is never the “right” thing.
The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. taught us that:
“We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.”
His was a call to action; some food for thought.
Eric Lamar
Eric Lamar served as a Fairfax firefighter for 22 years before retiring in 1998; he has been a member of IAFF Local 2068 for 43 years and served as its president for part of that time.