“Stop Ripping Off Sick Kids” Resolution
At least one IAFF local is repulsed enough by Schaitberger’s extorting $1,400,000 from kids with an often fatal illness that they have introduced a convention resolution to stop him from doing it.
The resolution was apparently emailed in with a hard copy to follow leaving Schaitberger a precious few days to try and bully the sender into withdrawing it before the list of convention resolutions is officially published.
Schaitberger will usually go straight to the weak-kneed and suck-up district vice president and have them do the dirty work for him.
That may not work this time around as so many districts have contested seats and really, who wants to be on the side of such gross behavior anyway?
Still, we can be certain Our Dear Leader will be sure to give it a go.
The resolution proves that the IAFF still has a glimmer of a soul even if you have to go to the local level to find it.
Here’s the text of the resolution:
Whereas, IAFF Local 718 began partnering with the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) in
1954 to provide voluntary donations from the public in order to provide crucial, life-saving
assistance to children with neuromuscular diseases, and,
Whereas, from 1954 to the present day this great effort has spread throughout the IAFF to the
extent that IAFF Locals collect more voluntary contributions from the public for MDA than any
other entity in the United States and Canada, and,
Whereas, MDA currently provides staff, at it’s own cost, to help plan, manage, and support
IAFF Locals in our Fill-The- Boot efforts; and MDA, at it’s own cost, provides general liability
insurance as well as specific insurance to cover injuries or death to fire fighters who volunteer
at MDA events; and MDA, at it’s own cost, provides dedicated advertising, media relations and
communications resources to highlight the IAFF across the United States and Canada; and MDA,
again at it’s own cost, provides IAFF Locals support materials like stickers, T-shirts, speakers,
etc. to assist in Fill-The- Boot and other fundraising efforts; now, therefore, be it;
Resolved, that the delegates to the 53 rd IAFF Biennial Convention direct the IAFF Principal Officers
and Executive Board to reduce the amount of annual revenue the IAFF receives from MDA
based on the following amounts listed in the Consolidated Fiscal Year 2016 Budget.
Line 995: Non Per-Capita- Tax (PCT) Revenue from MDA: $1,382,000,
Expenses attributed to the following line items from MDA non PCT revenue:
Line 100: $25,000; Office of the General President; for Travel, from MDA.
Line 102: $75,400; IAFF Foundation Operations; for MDA Coordinator salary, from MDA.
Line 102: $100,000; IAFF Foundation Operations; for MDA Event Sponsorship, from MDA.
Line 102: $1,700; IAFF Foundation Operations; lap top for MDA Coordinator, from MDA.
Line 200: $15,000; Office of the General Secretary-Treasurer; for Travel, (2015 actual, $2,500)
from MDA.
Line 350: $50,000; Office of the General Counsel; (2015 actual, $16,500), from MDA.
Line 400: $15,000; Strategic Campaigns and Media Relations; for Support Staff, from MDA.
Line 400: $20,000; Strategic Campaigns and Media Relations; for 20% salary/benefits for M.
Treglio, from MDA.
Line 450: $30,000; Gov’t and Public Policy; for 2% of support staff, from MDA.
Line 455: $30,000; Communications; for support staff, (2015 actual, $12,500), from MDA.
Line 455: $25,000; Communications; for Front Line News Brief, from MDA.
Line 455: $20,000; Communications; for 10% of Director of Communications salary/benefits,
from MDA.
Line 456: $45,000; IAFF Magazine; for Printing, from MDA.
Line 456: $25,000; IAFF Magazine; for Postage, from MDA.
Line 555: $60,000; Occupational Safety and Health; for 30% salary/benefits for Deputy Director
Larry Petrick, from MDA.
Line 573: $20,000; Human Relations Conference, from MDA.
Line 800: $74,891; Information Systems; for 50% salary/benefits for Web Assistant, from MDA.
Line 803: $55,000; Web Operations; for Development of Mobile App; from MDA.
Total $686,991
And be it further;
Resolved, that since many of the above line item expenditures clearly have no or minimal
relationship to or with MDA, and therefore MDA should not properly be paying for them; That
the Principal Officers and the Executive Board limit annual revenue received from MDA to the
sum of $177,100 from Line 102, plus $100,00 for a total of $277,100, indexed for inflation each
And be it further;
Resolved, that the IAFF Principal Officers and Executive Board produce an annual report to the
membership detailing all non-PCT income from MDA and all expenditures from this revenue
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