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IAFF/MDA: On Clowns and Justice


Lot’s of the Former But None of the Latter


Over the past several years as the corruption at the IAFF has been continuously detailed there has been a constant refrain from the other side, “Take it to convention.”

As if that would make a difference when the IAFF is ruled by a dictator and his shills.

This year, IAFF Local 452, did just that, they took the MDA swindle to convention and here is what they got:

-“I asked my DVP for a full accounting of revenue and expenses from MDA and the IAFF would not provide them  to a duly elected Executive Board member.”

-“It is not legitimate to impugn the motives of a brother or sister over legitimate policy issues on the floor at convention.”

-“I have been coming to Convention for over 20 years and have never seen the resolve(s) of a resolution not read by a committee chair or vice-chair and not projected on the screen for the delegates to plainly see until this MDA resolution was not read or projected at this convention.”

-“…what we saw in Las Vegas was cowardice. Not one member even had the guts to challenge Shaitburger. And the one challenger was soundly defeated by those who feat HAS.  This was a shameful 4 days in this unions history.”

-“There was a point of order called but it was shot down by the Chair. Why not let the delegates present see and discuss the facts of the resolution? Additionally, the res chair pretty much called the writer of the res a liar. That too should have been a point of order for not being respectful to a member and delegate.

-“ODL made a half-assed apology the next day. He fell short of asking for a reconsideration of the resolution.”

-“Was our resolutions committee this morally bankrupt that they wouldn’t even allow this resolution to be looked at considered and debated? Who were these clowns?”



Local 452’s experience conclusively proves the point:  There is no justice to be found within Schaitberger’s IAFF.

Though they were treated disgracefully, they are to be lauded for their attempt and for proving that the IAFF is run by crooks.

One commenter mentioned being “morally bankrupt.”

The IAFF is beyond moral bankruptcy and here’s why.

We are a labor union and our demand to management is that we be treated fairly.

How can we demand fairness from them when this is how we treat each other?

We now lack the integrity to demand anything of anybody.

A Strange Ray of Hope

It may seem odd but there is reason for hope in the fact that Schaitberger’s bucket of shit is so full it is now slopping over–outside the IAFF, which he does not control.

The MDA swindle, ripping off sick kids, involves fire management and local government officials directly in a fraudulent expense scheme that has been proven so by the facts.

Local 452’s convention resolution set out in brilliant detail that even if you agreed to every ridiculous expense claim there is still $700,000 unaccounted for.

How can government officials be willingly complicit in such fraud?

Judgement Day

Now is when writers on Facebook and elsewhere accuse me and others of “hanging our dirty laundry out” or betraying the IAFF.

Not so.

Schaitberger and his shills have betrayed the IAFF through their greed and lust for power.

Rips off sick kids and can't hide it all.

Rips off sick kids and can’t hide it all.

They have overplayed their hand by stealing from sick children while asking fire chiefs to help.

Judgment day approaches.

Finally, a note of commonsense, if you are an IAFF leader and you back Schaitberger’s play, you too, are corrupt, whether you admit it or not.

Like and Share to STOP the Schaitberger Corruption.






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