A Toady, a Weasel and Some Swine
Several people have now reported that Mark Ouellette, IAFF Eastern District Trustee, amply confirmed his membership in the Fools Hall of Fame when he went to the microphone at the recent IAFF convention and made insulting and absurd statements.
Ouellette referred to Pete Gorman, his opponent in the trustee race, as “swine” invoking the name of the late District Vice President Micheal Mullane in doing so.
Note to Mark Ouellette: You’re no Mike Mullane.
Perhaps more to the point, though, he is definitely no Pete Gorman.
In fact, Ouellette isn’t fit to wash Pete Gorman’s turnout coat.
Cameron Abell’s report that he also said the “GP, GST, and any E-board member is “Beyond Reproach” confirms Ouellette as a slavish toady of the rankest order.
Worst of all for the suck-up toady, his very job is to be an independent reviewer of IAFF spending and his opinion is that the gangsters are “beyond reproach.”
Speaking of being “beyond reproach”, Ouellette certainly is not.
As a trustee for 16 years he has sat idly by as the “bank” was robbed.
He supports stealing from sick kids, too.
In an especially weaselly move, it is also reported that after he insulted Gorman he later tried to suggest that it really wasn’t about Pete after all, a pitch that nobody bought then or buys now.
If Pete Gorman is a swine as Ouellette suggests, then let me into the pig pen, too.
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