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Dept. of Desperation: Kuley, Schaitberger and the Anti-Union Right


Washington Free Beacon


Ron Kuley, IAFF Local 2068 member and snuggled-up Schaitberger lapdog, is peddling an internet story lauding the IAFF for sitting out the 2016 US presidential election.

Here’s what Ron quotes:

“Labor watchdogs said that the firefighters’ approach was a healthier way to grant endorsements than the top-down endorsement process that alienated members in other unions during the Democratic primary. Peter List, a former union official and labor consultant, told the Washington Free Beacon that IAFF demonstrated that it was following the will of its members, rather than institutional and political allies, by maintaining neutrality.”

Peter List, Ron’s “go-to” guy, runs a site called Workplace Report with links on its site to KickMyUnionOut.com, National Right to Work, Union Free America, and–how about this one–Making Unions Unnecessary.

Peter List spews anti-union and anti-minimum wage trash and Ron Kuley loves him.

It get’s better.

The Washington Free Beacon is a right wing hack sheet pounding Hillary Clinton to the aid and comfort of Donald Trump.

A quick trip around their site reveals their anti-union, anti-minimum wage and anti-Clinton bias.

All you have to do is look.

Which Kuley either didn’t bother to do or didn’t care, both, probably.

Lap Dogs and Their Food


The sign of a really good lap dog is when they will gobble up whatever you offer them.

Ron’s owner no doubt offered this morsel up with the sure knowledge that it would be consumed without a second look, which it was.

Lap Dog Owner

Lap Dog Owner

Schaitberger is so desperate to defend his lack of leadership that he is now forced to cut clippings from anti-union papers and feed them to his shills who then pass them on without a thought. #Disgusting

In context, there can be no question that the article is not pro-union but rather anti-Clinton, anti-labor and anti-worker.

But, if you are desperate, as Schaitberger is, you will take what you can get even if it’s garbage.

Truth and Irony

The Free Beacon quotes Schaitberger’s verdict on the choices: “We have two candidates that seem to have trouble telling the truth.”

There are few people less likely to ever spot the truth (or tell it) than Our Dear Leader.

In fact, the Free Beacon parlay is just another sorry-assed lie that doesn’t even pass the giggle test.

It does prove that Schaitberger thinks and acts as if IAFF members were nothing more than fools to be fed their daily ration of bullshit.

Judging by the convention, he’s right.

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